Foxhole court summary
Foxhole court summary

foxhole court summary

Family generally wins (that deal with Andrew which Aaron stands by here but not at pesky times when Andrew wants him to), especially family against people Aaron considers to be losers. And/or you could speculate there is a priority to it. He doesn’t have to speak up here at all. You could speculate his homophobia isn’t that strong to begin with. “You never have anything useful to say.”Īaron’s homophobia goes strangely absent. “I would say ‘fuck you, freak’, but then you wouldn’t know which one of you I was talking to.” “Maybe this time they’ll follow through and actually kill one of us. “The death threats were creative, though,“ Nicky said. Because it gets a little bit more complicated than that. It is, but I want to stress that his motivation is not wanting to deviate from the norm. Some people would lump it under homophobia.

foxhole court summary

Aaron doesn’t want to stick out. That’s feedback into point number one. We don’t know.Īaron and the culture he grew up in probably doesn’t see being gay as “normal.” Nicky’s actions are calling attention to the fact that he’s not “normal,” and Aaron doesn’t want to be around that. Is that why he doesn’t like Erik? Or is it homophobia? Maybe he doesn’t like Erik’s sunny well-adjusted attitude. One common fandom belief is that Aaron is resentful of Nicky abandoning him alone with Tilda while Nicky ran off to Germany. Aaron resents Nicky abandoning him when he went to Germany It’s easy to look at lines like this and read them as purely homophobic and move on. I do think Aaron is very much “I don’t mind if you’re gay just don’t be so in front of me.” Let’s unpack some things about Aaron’s behavior here. Let’s play,” Aaron said, putting the bucket of balls down. If you take German as your elective here, just let me know and I’ll tutor you. The little punks studied it at high school because they knew I could help them pass.

foxhole court summary

“You heard us earlier with the mumbo-jumbo, right? That was German. He was my home-stay brother for a year in Berlin and we moved in together after graduation.” “Oh, he’s my husband,” Nicky said happily. Neil didn’t know any Foxes past or present with that name. When’s the last time you said a civil word to him?” “You could leave and let me and Neil get to know each other better.” “Can you try and get ass when I’m not standing right here?” Aaron asked. You can make it up to me some other time when the others aren’t around.” Since you can’t talk about Aaron in this fandom without a crowd yelling about his homophobia, let’s start with that. In this one, I’m going to deal with his motivation to be normal. In the previous post, I discussed Aaron’s need for love and freedom from Andrew. It’s also about learning that you can’t rely on someone else (normally parents, but in Aaron’s case Andrew) to take care of you for the rest of your life. Character change in the maturation plot is gradual, not sudden.

Foxhole court summary how to#

The maturation plot is about going from a narrow, self-centered view of the world to realizing the world doesn’t revolve around you and learning how to navigate that larger world. I’ve talked about Aaron and the maturation plot before, but didn’t hit on some things in that discussion that I’d like to dig into now. He wasn’t born into a normal family, and things haven’t improved much since then. He doesn’t want to be associated with those he perceives to be losers, but the universe has conspired against him. Or special, perhaps, but in the positive ways of being special: intelligent, good-looking, and appreciated. Here’s the thing about Aaron Minyard: he just wants to be normal (whatever that is).

Foxhole court summary